Prophetic Word for Those in Vocational Ministry: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is.

This is a word for those of you in vocational ministry:

God has been challenging you to open your mouth. Many of you have resisted out of fear:

Fear of losing your audience.

Fear of offending people.

Fear of being wrong when history reflects on this season.

This is a time for great courage, says the Lord of Hosts.

I am looking for my Davids.

Use your smooth stones and take aim.

It is not the strength of your arm or the aim of your shot, says the Lord. 

It is only by My Hand that the stone will hit its mark.

Will you trust me?, says the Lord.

More importantly, will you put your money where your mouth is?

I despise a double-minded man.  Take heed of My correction in this hour. I need you to fight.


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Prophetic Word: June 2021