Prophetic Prayer: Prayer for President Donald J. Trump
Join me for an intercessory prayer on behalf of our President, Donald J. Trump: Father, we approach Your throne of majesty and grace with adoration and gratitude. Thank you for the gift of the United States of America. We live blessed because of the freedoms granted to us by You through the founding of this nation, and we dedicate our lives to upholding its tenets.
Prophetic Prayer: Prayer for Healing
I’d like to pray for you today about healing, whether it’s for you personally or for someone that you love. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you’ve found this prayer; I think it’s exactly what the Lord meant for you to find.
November 2020 Update: I’ve Missed You!
It has been a DAY since we've last talked! In this video, I'll catch you up to speed on what I've been doing for the past 6 months.
Daily Devotional: How to Combat Anxiety
I have struggled with depression and anxiety off and on throughout my entire adult life. I heard a pastor share a message a few weeks ago that really frustrated me, because he said something to the effect of, “If it’s big enough to be anxious about, it’s big enough to pray about.” #OfCourse!
Daily Devotional: When People Are Ungrateful
A godly farmer was invited to a fancy dinner at a well-known man’s home. When the farmer sat down, even though he was the guest, he said grace over their meal. His fancy host laughed at him and said, “Farmer, you’re so old-fashioned! No one says grace before dinner nowadays.” …